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 September 2024 Meeting

Adam Ryan

RING 112, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE – M.H. Ortwein Ring Meets 3rd Tuesday, each month at 6:00 pm Miller’s Ale House, 2119 Gunbarrel Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421

 Our regular monthly meeting was on Tuesday, September 17. The month’s theme was “Birds, Bubbles, and Planes; What Else Rises and/or Floats!” We had a great session of performing, sharing, and teaching. Here are some highlights:

— Tom Raidy, our program chairman, started things off by floating a $20 bill between his hands.

— Mike Edwards performed a unique floating card box routine with a one-of-a-kind prop. He followed that with a routine featuring bubbles mysteriously floating under a cloth.

— Cindy Poteet Williams showcased her latest 3-D printing project of creating holders for half dollars.

— Jim Driscoll shared a floating zombie doll that he’ll be using during this year’s Halloween season.

— Michael Frisbee wowed everyone with a very creative and fun soft drink prediction routine that had everyone talking afterward. He claimed the bubbles in the Sprite qualified the trick for the theme. (There may be a spike in sales on Amazon after he revealed the clever gimmick for this unique effect.)

— Tommy Johns, a visitor from Ring 9 in Atlanta, capped off the evening by showing and teaching “Serendipity,” his favorite go-to card trick with a shuffled deck.

 We invite all former Ring 112 members, and all magicians in the Chattanooga, south Tennessee and north Georgia areas who are interested in becoming a part of the club, to join us at one of our future meetings. Our meeting location is at Miller’s Ale House, near the Hamilton Place Mall in Chattanooga.

April 2024 Meeting

Adam Ryan

RING 112, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE – M.H. Ortwein Ring Meets 3rd Tuesday, each month at 6:00 pm Miller’s Ale House, 2119 Gunbarrel Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421 Ring 112

After a period of not meeting regularly, Ring 112 is back! A small but energetic group of members gathered in April to chart the future of the ring and to plan on the best ways to reenergize the organization and build membership. We’re inviting all former members, and those in the Chattanooga and north Georgia area who are interested in becoming a part of the club, to join us at one of our future meetings. Our meeting location is at Miller’s Ale House, near the Hamilton Place Mall in Chattanooga. After a short, but productive business meeting, the fun part of the evening started. We enjoyed magic from Adam Ryan, Tom Raidy and Jim Driscoll It was a great night for the Chattanooga Magic Club that was originally founded back in 1919 and has enjoyed so much history through the years. We’re optimistic about its future and invite all magicians nearby to join us.

JIM DRISCOLL: Acting President /